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The Great Dane looked more like a horse than a dog

It’s much more difficult to play tennis with a bowling ball than it is to bowl with a tennis ball

I used to live in my neighbor’s fishpond, but the aesthetic wasn’t to my taste

It took me too long to realize that the ceiling hadn’t been painted to look like the sky

Nothing seemed out of place except the washing machine in the bar

She looked into the mirror and saw another person

Potato wedges probably are not best for relationships

It isn’t true that my mattress is made of cotton candy

Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind

My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do

My uncle’s favorite pastime was building cars out of noodles

When she didn’t like a guy who was trying to pick her up, she started using sign language

He was surprised that his immense laziness was inspirational to others

Hang on, my kittens are scratching at the bathtub and they’ll upset by the lack of biscuits

Their argument could be heard across the parking lot

In the end, he realized he could see sound and hear words

Blue sounded too cold at the time and yet it seemed to work for gin

It didn’t take long for Gary to detect the robbers were amateurs

Plans for this weekend include turning wine into water

The random sentence generator generated a random sentence about a random sentence